An eyebrow transplant is a permanent cosmetic procedure to make your eyebrows look thicker or to restore hair that has fallen out. Dr Do will perform this procedure by removing hair grafts from your scalp to replace your current eyebrow hairs.



Hair Transplant

Who May Need Eyebrow Transplants?

  • Burns or scars: on the eyebrow area
  • Tumors: that affect eyebrow growth
  • Trichotillomania: compulsive hair pulling disorder
  • Alopecia areata: autoimmune disorder causing hair loss
  • Hypothyroidism: underactive thyroid leading to eyebrow loss
  • Hypervitaminosis A: vitamin A toxicity causing hair loss
  • Note: Hypervitaminosis A-related hair loss may be reversible if vitamin A intake is reduced.

Eyebrow Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Takes about hour 2 hours
  • Performed under local anesthesia, so you won't need general anesthesia.
  • Pain and discomfort are managed with medication.
  • You can relax during the procedure.
Hair Transplant
Hair Transplant

Eyebrow Design

Important aspect of the transplant procedure.

Done in consultation with Dr. Do

Customized to fit each patient's unique facial features and aesthetic goals

Natural Hair Growth

  • Transplanted hairs will continue to grow and may shed after 10-12 weeks.
  • Regular trimming is necessary.


  • Visible immediately after the procedure
  • Slight redness, swelling, crusting, or scabbing may occur, typically resolves within a few days to a week
  • Transplanted hairs continue to grow and need regular trimming
  • Most patients can return to work and social activities within 1-2 days


The only difference between natural eyebrow hair and eyebrow transplant hair is that it will continue to grow, just as the hair on your head grows. Periodic eyebrow grooming will be necessary to keep the hair's eyebrow length. Providing his patients with the most aesthetic eyebrow transplant Toronto can produce, Dr. Do ensures his patients are well informed on how to care for their eyebrows as they grow.

Hair Transplant

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in our custom tailored, hand-harvested hair restoration procedures, your next step is a private consultation with Dr. Do. During this process, he will construct an honest plan to deliver maximum relief from hair loss.